I help people get out of their heads and into their lives.

Empowering you to thrive…

I'm here to help you break down the barriers that have been holding you back. It's time to stop waiting for circumstances to change and start living life on your terms.

Discover Your Power

Are you tired of waiting to be noticed or relying on external factors for your happiness? Let's shatter those limitations. You deserve to feel alive, seen, and fulfilled right now, not in some distant future.

Embrace Your Potential

No longer do you have to hold back in a room full of people. You belong, and it's time to own it. It's time to stop people-pleasing and sacrificing your own well-being for the sake of others' approval.

Seize Control

Circumstances don't have to dictate your life's direction. You possess untapped power within you, and I'm here to help you access it. Together, we'll navigate the path to making your life authentically yours.

Circumstances do NOT have to control you. You have so much more power than you know. Let’s access it and make your life your own.

I will help you find it.

Let’s go!!!!

Work with me

One on One Coaching with Shelly

Imagine a life where your mind is calm, not being taken out of your life for weeks because of your thoughts and emotions. Through one-on-one coaching, you'll unlock the tools to navigate life's challenges without being tossed by every wave.

It’s an investment in your own growth and well-being. It's an opportunity to focus entirely on your life and mind, free from biases and opinions.

Self awareness is the catalyst for transformation. By understanding your subconscious patterns, you gain the power to consciously shape your life. As you become conscious of your choices, you gain the ability to shape your reality intentionally. The decisions you make will align with the life you truly desire.

PODCAST COMING SOON: In The Chair With Shelly

Look for it on Apple, Spotify and other outlets

It’s time to create the life you know is inside of you.

It’s time.  No.more.waiting.

What my clients are saying

Kate W.

new bride/career transition.

“I feel more confident in the person I am, rather than trying to be someone that I’m not.  Being coached through starting a relationship, moving cities, getting engaged, planning a wedding, starting a new job, and starting a new marriage was the absolute best decision I made.

Shelly, your coaching brought clarity and joy to the complexities of engagement, marriage and all of the transitions I have experienced in the past several months (and my husband thanks you profusely for the changes he sees in me!).”

Kim K.

“I feel like a weight was lifted off of me. Stop trying to do it all alone. Believe me, I tried to do it alone for a long time. Sometimes you just need a little nudge in the right direction.”

Business Process Architect

Crystal R

business owner

“I now have more self confidence than I’ve ever had in my life.  For the first time EVER I finally feel comfortable in my own skin.  I know who I am and I LOVE who I am.”

Micheal R

“Your focused attention on the person you are working with--what makes them tick, what gets them excited about style—provided a wonderful foundation for the guided shopping trip my wife took with you. She felt affirmed but also productively pushed out of her comfort zone as she worked with you to refocus her thoughts and build a wardrobe that fits the unique person God created her to be.”

Gifted his Wife Fashion Coaching


“Life coaching has completely transformed my life and mind. Shelly is an amazing life coach and helped me to: explore and renew my way of thinking; improve my growth & development on a personal and professional level; and to gain back my self-trust. It is truly one of the best personal investments I have ever made.

Thank you so much Shelly!”