Bride To Be

Engagement Coaching

Engagement is undoubtedly a fun season of life. It's a time filled with dreams, excitement, and the promise of a new journey with your significant other. But let's be real—amidst the joy, there can also be a fair share of stress. From planning your dream wedding (let's face it, most of us aren't professional event planners) to the uncharted territory of growing together with your partner, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

That's where 'Engagement Coaching' comes in.

With engagement coaching, you'll find the support and guidance you need to thrive during this season. Strengthen your self-trust, make confident decisions, and take actions that align with your vision. Together, we'll navigate the path to crafting the beautiful day you've always imagined!

Wedding Day Coaching

You want your wedding day to be a joyous celebration, yet the whirlwind of people, family dynamics and details can easily become overwhelming. Enter 'Day-of-Wedding Coaching' – your secret to savoring every second.

I’ll be there to support you in aligning with your intentions, practicing being present to not miss a moment and ensuring you experience your day to the fullest. With day-of-wedding coaching, you'll navigate potential challenges with ease, remain centered in the midst of any sticky situations.

Newly Wed/Partner Coaching

You've stepped into a world that's painted as endlessly blissful—newly married and ready to conquer it all. From merging lives to sharing finances, every facet should shimmer with perfection, right?

But what if reality doesn't quite match the ideal? What if, amidst the family holidays and intimate moments, the day-to-day challenges start to take center stage? Those seemingly small quirks—the spoon left on the counter, differing holiday expectations, or physical intimacy that isn’t as easy as you thought it would be, enter confusion and isolation.

This is uncharted territory and you're not alone. The first year of marriage can be a delightful yet surprising journey. It's a time of discovery, adaptation, and simple shifts.

I'm here to help you smooth out the kinks and find your rhythm. Nothing has gone wrong. It’s just that nobody is talking about it. This space is where you talk about it and discover what you want to create. You can navigate these nuances and discover the joy of being present in this beautiful life you're building together.

Here's what one bride said after her wedding day:

"Best decision I ever made.  You reminded me of the calm and connection I want to have day of and helped me refocus.”


Fashion Coaching


Workshops - Retreats - Seminars